Category: Meeting Notes
March Leader Meeting Notes
Cookie Sale Reminders Don’t forget that our second ACH withdrawal is on Wednesday March 15. Please make sure your deposits are up to date before then! Also, don’t forget to check / enter your girls’ reward selections by March 12 if you have selections to make. Double check them in eBudde and sumbit when you…
October 3, 2022 Leader Meeting Notes
Product Sales Updates Communications We’re trying to figure out what is keeping folks from attending the Service Unit leader meetings? Attendance is dramatically low and we’re curious as to why. What’s the friction that makes it hard for folks to attend? What would make the meetings more valuable / useful / relevant to you? The…
September Leader Meeting
Product Sales Fall Product sales are ongoing, and last year’s cookie rewards are still available, please reach out to Paty Ault if you are still missing cookie rewards or have not picked up your Fall Product packet. For problems with the website, roster management, or other issues please email [email protected] Media and Communications We’re launching…
March Leader Meeting Notes
Adult Recognition The adult recognition nomination period is coming to a close. If you know someone that you would like to nominate for an award, please take look through the recognition packet and put a nomination forward. Nominations are due by March 15, and you can nominate someone by filling out this form. Our leader…
Leader Meeting November 2021
Outdoor Programming Skills and Chills at Welaka was a blast, and everyone who attended seemed to have a good time. Ingathering is scheduled at Camp Abalufa March 25 – 27. As of today, it is still tent camping provided we can abide by COVID guidelines at that time and we are currently planning a Journey-in-a-day…
April Leader Meeting
Adult Recognition! Don’t forget that Adult Recognition emails and nominations are due April 12 – for real this time! Contact Ginger Miranda, or anyone else on the SU team if you have questions or need help writing letters. Fall Product Rewards! Fall product rewards are in! If you haven’t made arrangements to pick up your…
March Leader Meeting Notes
Scouts Sabbath/Sunday is March 13/14 Cookies for Healthcare Heroes This drive-up cookie booth will be happening on Saturday, March 13. For Gemini, we’ll be at The Landing at Tradition from 10am – 2pm. The day will be run like a drive-up cookie booth with the participating troops providing their own cookies. More info here Ingathering…