Reminder – Gemini Cookie Booth Lottery Jan 22

Cookie Booth Lottery is Monday, Jan 22 Gemini’s first cookie booth lottery will take place on January 22 at 7pm.  It will take place using the OnlineDraft platform with a Zoom session running for discussion and support. To register for the service unit cookie lottery, please send the name and email address of the personContinue reading “Reminder – Gemini Cookie Booth Lottery Jan 22”

The Power of You – Council Event on Nov 11

We’re excited to share that we are hosting the Power of You in Fort Pierce! This event is for Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors and includes all the Girls Scouts need to earn GSUSA’s brand new Mental Wellness Patch. At this event, Girl Scouts learn to support themselves and others through challenging life situations byContinue reading “The Power of You – Council Event on Nov 11”