A message from GSSEF regarding a proposed dues increase from GSUSA
Yesterday, GSSEF sent out a message to all girl members and volunteers discussing a proposal to raise the national Girl Scout membership dues. This is a proposal that will be voted on by delegates from Girl Scout councils throughout the nation. GSSEF is seeking feedback from our membership to help inform our delegates voting.
Below is the message from GSSEF CEO Lisa Johnson, in full. We encourage all our members and volunteers to read the message below, inform themselves on the details of the situation, and make their voice heard via the survey and the town hall meeting.
Dear Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida Members,
On October 19, Girl Scouts of the USA will host a virtual National Council Special Session asking delegates to discuss, debate, and vote on proposals from the National Board to increase membership dues.
All membership dues are paid directly to GSUSA and not our local GSSEF Council.
Per GSUSA bylaws, this special session and vote by delegates is required because the National Board is considering a membership dues increase of more than 25% within a triennium. Proposals put forth by Girl Scouts of the USA and recommended for approval by the National Board of Directors, asks delegates to consider $85 for girl members and $45 for adult members, effective for Membership Year 2026.
No action to increase dues has been taken, and we won’t know the outcome until after the Special Session convenes. However, we know that any proposed changes to membership dues causes concern for our members. Before any voting occurs, our GSSEF National Delegates want to hear from you.
Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida’s elected National Delegates will represent us in this important meeting, and we would like to gather your feedback. Information on a survey and a virtual Town Hall are included below. In order to help inform your feedback, we encourage you to review the following resources:
- Review the Proposals put forth by Girl Scouts of the USA.
- Watch this video from our GSUSA Board of Directors and CEO and explaining the proposal rationale, and financial implications. The password to view the video is: @vHeA5x0
- For any further questions or background information needed, please refer to the Blue Book and the Filling a Blank in a Motion Video. The password to view the video is: Db%5EN$q
Share your feedback.
- Complete the Member Feedback survey so that your input can be summarized and shared with the council delegates before the Special National Council Session. Feedback is due by October 2.
- Register for and participate in a Town Hall session with GSSEF Leadership on September 30 from 6:30-8 p.m. Please note that this session will be to gather member feedback on the membership dues topic. It is important that you review the resources above prior to the session, as a full presentation of the proposals will not be made.
Regardless of the outcome of the vote, please know that Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida remains committed to ensuring that Girl Scouts remains accessible, both to the girls we serve today, and the girls we have not yet met. Working together, we will be able to continue the work of building girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place.
If you have additional questions regarding these proposals, please contact me at [email protected].