Reminder – November Leader Meeting and Cookie Training



Hi folks, we just found out that we WILL have the materials that we need to conduct our annual cookie sale training on our regular monthly meeting night – Monday, Nov 6 at 7:00pm.

As such, we are making this an IN PERSON leader meeting, so that we can distribute cookie sale packets at the same time!

We will be meeting at IRSC’s McAlpin Fine Arts Center, 3209 Virginia Ave, Fort Pierce, FL 34981

For those of you who can’t make it to the leader meeting, we will have a Zoom option available.

EVERYONE, we need your roster numbers. Please send us the number of girls you have / the number of packets you need using the form below:

[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScqucmfPaqsf6iSFi2gm8AuFz4WhHz6oNF6tpEM5g8J1GLKgQ/viewform” query=”embedded=true” width=”640″ height=”784″ /]